« My office is a real botanical garden, just like my medicine. »

Dre Myriam Audet

Integrative Veterinary Medicine

Dre Myriam Audet

Concerned and eager to be able to offer better well-being and comfort to my patients, I decided to broaden my knowledge by discovering complementary veterinary medicine

Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine, 5000 years old, remains an eminently modern medicine.

Veterinary Acupuncture

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an oriental medicine that is more than 4000 years old, and is a science based on traditional Chinese principles. Having proven itself over many years, it is a holistic and integrative medicine that seeks to stimulate homeostasis and healing in the body and boost the Vital Energy flow , when it is blocked or slowed down. Under the law governed by the Order of Veterinary Doctors of Quebec, only veterinarians are authorized to offer complementary medicine care to animals.

Veterninary Osteopathy

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a manual therapy that considers the body as a whole where all organs and tissues are interconnected. This holistic medicine aims to regain balance by relieving tension and restoring movement where there was mobility restriction. It is an alternative medicine that emphasizes physical manipulation of the body’s different tissues and bones.

Herbal Medecine

What is Herbal Medecine?

Herbal Medecine is an alternative medicine based on the use of plants and their extracts with the aim of curing, relieving or preventing an illness. Herbal medicine devotes itself, through a holistic approach, to the effects of the plant as a whole and on the entire individual. It is complementary to conventional medicine.

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